Upcoming Wisdom Tables
Online events
1pm EST / 6pm GMT
FEB 24
Session 3: Can we rest in peace, while being fully alive? With...
Shane Smyth / mindful psychotherapist and founder of Spacious Mind Counselling
Karen Liphard / Martial Arts Instructor who comes alive in serving her community
Kristin Shepherd / playwright, actor, and freak about some kind of morning practice that makes us more loving humans
1pm EST / 6pm GMT
MAR 10
Session 4: How do power, privilege and presence influence our lives? With...
Charlie Hamilton / neurodivergent researcher of life with a raging curiosity for grit, equality and truth who is also educating our next generation of leaders
Gary Judge / founder and director of his own language school, business mentor to many and mindful capturer of the present moment in photography
1pm EST / 6pm GMT
MAR 24
Session 5: What can stars teach us about living and dying? With...
Thomas Abbott / bright astrophysicist passionate about black holes and neutron stars
Nicole Smith / writer who seeks truth even though she isn’t sure it exists
Gabriela Reyes Fuchs / founder of Innerstela and who found of the cosmos in our ashes

What to expect from a Wisdom Tables event?
Watch and listen in on though-provoking conversations on humanity in an open-minded community. Together we aim not for final answers, but for more powerful questions that open us up for growth and wholehearted living.
From the comfort of your couch we take you on a journey where you sit in on heartfelt conversations between fascinating people and leverage their minds, while exploring yours.
Each session is thoughtfully curated by your host connecting different ideas and people to let us explore our humanity and human experience. Together we raise our awareness in understanding ourselves, humanity and human progress.
We know that the people we surround ourselves with are the biggest influence on our behaviour, attitudes and results. This is a chance for everyone to level up and transform the world with each others.
Your host: Mabel Vonk
Wisdom Tables grew out of my love for bringing extraordinary people together and to explore what it means to be human.
Leading such projects behind closed doors I thought: "the whole world needs to be sitting in on these rich mind-bending and heart-connecting explorations".
I wasn't sure if it'd be possible - create that same intimacy and depth on camera. But I came up with a new group formula that I myself was looking for to break boundaries without compromising vulnerability.
It is at the core of what I believe: If you want it, go create it. And I want to make this world the best place to live, for everyone.
I believe that starts with the golden threads that keep us connected to others: authentic conversations.
Conversations are the way we connect, engage and drive growth in our lives - how we transform the world.
I welcome you to join us or learn more about me here.

Wisdom Tables: A Unique Selection of Guests
We bring together a special selection of extraordinary coaches, scientists, humanitarians and creatives with unique perspectives on the human experience. Together we aim not for final answers, but for
more powerful questions that open us up for growth and progress.

“The universe is full of magical things patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper.”
Eden Phillpotts
This is for you if...
you are tired of being the most interesting person in the room and you want to level-up
you know what got you here won't get you there and you want to invest in new insights about yourself, others and the world
you have a distinct curiosity to explore what it means to be human and to uncover our shared humanity
you want to be part of an international, open-minded community of leaders and change makers

When you join us...
you are privy to deep and thought-provoking conversations. The recording always stays available
you open yourself for new insight to grow from and find ways to integrate that into your everyday life
you experience how different perspectives enrich us
you leave inspired with more questions to explore
you connect with kind and open-minded people
...all from the comfort of your couch.
Get Your Ticket
Wisdom Tables
What happens when you register?
By clicking on the REGISTER HERE button you arrive on the Wisdom Tables Crowdcast event page.
There you can get your ticket for the upcoming Wisdom Table. Every Wisdom Table happens on Crowdcast where you can easily rewatch any event you've registered for and might have missed.